If you’ve spent a few minutes perusing my site, you’ll see that I’m a copywriter who focuses on a relatively narrow skill set. My primary work these days is focused on email and content marketing that helps lifestyle brands increase sales.
That often leads to prospective clients asking if I can help them with other types of writing projects. Usually, that answer is yes...if I have the time and it’s something cool to work on.
Writing emails, however, is the most profitable service you can buy from me.
It’s not the only thing I can help you with, but man, it is what gets the cash register ringing for my clients.
Just today, a client made over $30,500 from two emails we sent over the last 48 hours. They’ll probably make at least that from the next two emails.
So yeah, I like to lead off with email copywriting because it provides the biggest ROI.
But, back to my point…
Before I specialized in email and content marketing, I spent more than two decades working in corporate communications. I wrote and managed everything from press releases, newsletters, website content, brochures, digital and traditional marketing campaigns, direct mail, television & radio commercials, as well as handled media & crisis communications.
That’s a lot of experience writing for diverse audiences in several industries.
But, I still get asked: Can you write in my voice for my audience?
Don’t believe me?
Up until 18 months ago, I was ghostwriting op-eds, articles, and speeches for CEOs and politicians. I had to nail their speech patterns, delivery tempo, and phrasing to make it read and sound genuine.
And yet, I still get the question: Can you write in MY voice? Pretty sure I can.
Because I’ve invested more than 20 years crafting and refining a writing process. A process that has allowed me to successfully write for and about everyone from fitness trainers to energy executives to underwear moguls.
I’m pretty sure that process will work for you.
Just ask the grizzly bear I was recently asked to ghostwrite an article for.
If I can capture the voice of a 1,500-pound mammal, I think I can learn your brand's style.
I do have to say...the bear had a much more interesting voice and perspective than the politicians.